High-Throughput Small Molecule Screen Identifies Modulators of Mitochondrial Function in Neurons.


Varkuti, Boglarka H; Liu, Ze; Kepiro, Miklos; Pacifico, Rodrigo; Gai, Yunchao; Kamenecka, Ted; Davis, Ronald L

Publication Year 1905
Journal iScience
Pages 100931
Volume 23
Issue 3
Issn 25890042
PMID 32146326.0
PMCID PMC7063260
DOI 10.1016/j.isci.2020.100931
URL https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2589004220301152

We developed a high-throughput assay for modulators of mitochondrial function in neurons measuring inner mitochondrial membrane potential (??m) and ATP production. The assay was used to screen a library of small molecules, which led to the identification of structural/functional classes of mitochondrial modulators such as local anesthetics, isoflavones, COXII inhibitors, adrenergic receptor blockers, and neurotransmitter system effectors. Our results show that some of the isolated compounds promote mitochondrial health, enhance oxygen consumption rate, and protect neurons against toxic insults found in the cellular environment of Alzheimer disease. These studies offer a set of compounds that may provide efficacy in protecting the mitochondrial system in neurodegenerative disorders. Copyright ? 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.