T004012 Source: Uniprot

enzyme structureQo site (Qp site or ubiquinol oxidation site) (Qo site (Qp site or ubiquinol oxidation site))

Quinol--cytochrome-c reductase >>
Full Name Qo site (Qp site or ubiquinol oxidation site)

Compound Dose Time Species Model Method Result Positive criterion Reference
hhdbt uhnq 100 mM incubated overnight bovine isolated heart mitochondria Measurements of redox potentials of the ISP Positive 83
dibromothymoquinone 100 mM incubated overnight bovine isolated heart mitochondria Measurements of redox potentials of the ISP Positive 83
atorvastatin C2C12 myoblasts Positive 180
NQNO bovine isolated heart mitochondria cytochrome bc1 complex Positive 166
Simvastatin 200uM bovine heart mitochondria Reduction of the CIII cytochromes c1 and b was determined spectrophotometrically in bovine heart mitochondria. Positive p < 0.01 180
Myxothiazol Positive 81
moas Positive 82
azoxystrobin Positive 83
oudemansin a Positive 84
strobilurin a Positive 84
cpmb-oxime Positive 84
azoxystrobin 100 mM incubated overnight bovine isolated heart mitochondria Measurements of redox potentials of the ISP Positive 83
famoxadone 100 mM incubated overnight bovine isolated heart mitochondria Measurements of redox potentials of the ISP Positive 83
stigmatellin 100 mM incubated overnight bovine isolated heart mitochondria Measurements of redox potentials of the ISP Positive 83
uhdbt 100 mM incubated overnight bovine isolated heart mitochondria Measurements of redox potentials of the ISP Positive 83