F0504 | ROS production

Oxidative stress >> ROS production

Compound Dose Time Species Model Method Action Result Positive criterion Reference
Zidovudine Increase Positive 307
Acyclovir Increase Positive 307
Ganciclovir Increase Positive 307
Zalcitabine Increase Positive 307
amphotericin B 2.5mg/ml Aspergillus fumigatus oxidant-sensing fluorescent probe 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescin diacetate t induce Positive 304
Terbinafine 4mg/ml Aspergillus fumigatus oxidant-sensing fluorescent probe 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescin diacetate t induce Positive 304
itraconazole 4mg/ml Aspergillus fumigatus oxidant-sensing fluorescent probe 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescin diacetate t induce Positive 304
tacrolimus 50 µg/ml 12hr INS-1 cells MitoSOX Red staining to detect mitochondrial superoxide anion (O2−) levels by flow cytometric analysis and e time-lapse images of cells treated for 12 h with MitoSOX Red. induce Positive 322
P110 1 µM 2hr SH-SY5Y cells were treated with P110 (1 µM) followed by incubation of MPP+ (2 mM) for 2 hours. Mitochondrial superoxide production was determined using the mitochondrial superoxide indicator MitoSOX Red. Total ROS production was determined in SH-SY5Y cells using CM2-HDCFA. reduce Positive 310
neomycin 50 μM zebrafish zebrafish lateral line hair use ROS indicator dye cellROX green ( it labels a number of intracellular compartments, including cytoplasm, nucleus, and mitochondria) increase Positive 315
Diflunisal 558 rat hepatocytes use CM-H2DCFDA to monitor reactive oxygen species Positive AC50 (μM) 40
Sulindac sulfide 109 rat hepatocytes use CM-H2DCFDA to monitor reactive oxygen species Positive AC50 (μM) 40
Nimesulide 574 rat hepatocytes use CM-H2DCFDA to monitor reactive oxygen species Positive AC50 (μM) 40
Staurosporine 2 µM 24hr U2OS mt-roGFP and mitoSOX increase Positive 313
camptothecin 30 µM 24hr U2OS mt-roGFP and mitoSOX increase Positive 313
Menadione 20 µM 24hr U2OS mt-roGFP and mitoSOX increase Positive 313
Cisplatin 150 µM 24hr U2OS U2OS cells stably expressing mt-roGFP and HyPer-red targeted at mitochondria increase Positive 313
camptothecin 30 µM 24hr U2OS U2OS cells stably expressing mt-roGFP and HyPer-red targeted at mitochondria increase Positive 313
Ciprofloxacin Increase Positive 307
Mitoquinone U2OS mt-roGFP ratio change (Quantitative representation of the percentage of cell death in cells pre-treated with MitoQ followed by drug treatment or drug alone as indicated for 24 h) reduce Positive 313
Cisplatin Increase Positive 307
Cyclophosphamide Increase Positive 307
Gentamicin 5mM 10min rat isolated rat liver (and kidney) mitochondria Mitochondrial ROS production can be measured using Amplex Red, a dye that fluoresces dependent on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels. reduce Positive 316
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 2.5mM decrease Positive 162
dihydroxyacetone phosphate decrease Positive 162
MG-132 20 μM 24 hr rat PC12 cells Measurement of intracellular ROS formation with DCFH2-DA increase Positive 289
Amitriptyline Positive 197
3-morpholinosydnonimine 150 μM 24 hr rat PC12 cells Measurement of intracellular ROS formation with DCFH2-DA decrease Positive 289
Desipramine Positive 197
Valproic Acid increase Positive 197
Doxorubicin increase Positive 197
Efavirenz increase Positive 197
Propofol increase Positive 197
Ketamine increase Positive 197
Manganese 15 mg/l in drinking water Swiss Albino mice increase Positive 242
Paraquat 10 mg/kg/week intraperitoneal (i.p.) 4 weeks C57BL/6 mice Positive 242
Paraquat 250 μM 5min Sprague Dawley rat brain cultures Positive 242
Rotenone 0.1–0.5 nmol/mg protein Wistar rat brain isolated mitochondria increase Positive 242
Cisplatin 84.96 ± 3, 158.9 ± 8.2, 372.7 ± 17.5 and 499.5 ± 15.1 μM 24 hr Ishikawa, MDA-MB-231, PC-3 and Caco-2 Intracellular ROS (a) and mitochondrial superoxide were measured by fluorescence intensity of H2DCFDA and MitoSOX respectively. increase Positive IC50 299
Dequalinium Chloride 14.24 ± 0.59, 57.85 ± 3.59, 93.31 ± 3.21 and 179.2 ± 5.2 μM 24 hr Ishikawa, MDA-MB-231, PC-3 and Caco-2 Intracellular ROS (a) and mitochondrial superoxide were measured by fluorescence intensity of H2DCFDA and MitoSOX respectively. increase Positive IC50 299
Amiodarone 10 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
Chlorpromazine 50 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
Aluminium 10 mg/kg/day intragastric for 12 weeks Wistar rats Positive 242
Cyclosporin A 5 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
imipramine 50 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
Maprotiline 5 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
Rotenone 100 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
Tamoxifen 5 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
Troglitazone 10 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
atorvastatin 100 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
Cerivastatin 5 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
fluvastatin 50 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
lovastatin 10 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
pravastatin 50 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
Simvastatin 5 µM 1 hour Human HepG2 High-content screening assay Increase Positive MEC 306
Methylmercury 15 mg/l in drinking water Swiss albino mice Positive 242